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ApplicationXtender Products and Services
Image Mentor Product Listing
Articles related to Document Management and Imaging
Purchasing and Support of Image Mentor Products

Purchase and Support

Purchasing FAQ

After receipt of your purchase, your license key will be available for you to request. You will need to send copy of your computers, license information to sales(at) You can find this licensing information under the Change Licensing menu option within the programs main menu, usually under the Help menu. If you do not have the software installed, you can provide us with the Volume Serial Number of the hard drive on which you will install the software. You can get this by opening a DOS command prompt (start menu, run, cmd) and entering VOL at the command line.


Support Options

Many of the smaller products that are offered come with only basic support. This includes many of our conversion, import\export utilities and the like. Our larger products (Migration Master, AX Linking, AX Compliance, Simply Scanning) come with 1 year of support, with the inital purchase. You can then purchase additional years of support for 20% of the purchase price of the product.

Please use the following form to submit a support issue with one of our products:  Submit Issue



Image Mentor specializes in enhancing and adding to your Documentum ApplicationXtender document management system.
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