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Document Imaging Overview

Document imaging systems, characterized by simple document storage and retrieval applications, are finding a place in many organizations. In general, document and records management systems make improvements in operational efficiencies while requiring little, if any, organizational change. These systems replace paper-based document and records management systems, resulting in faster retrieval, easier distribution of documents, simultaneous review and\or annotation of a document from multiple locations, and reduced filing and retrieval errors. In almost all cases, the requirements for clerical staff are also greatly reduced.

In many instances, document imaging systems are used to alleviate a specific problem or set of problems, such as the rising cost of managing office documents or the inability of an organization to be sufficiently responsive. Answering "yes" to any of the following questions suggests that an organization may well be able to take advantage of these low-cost document and image management systems.

  • Does the organization retain and actively refer to a large number of documents?
  • Is the value of a missing document very high?
  • Is the records management aspect of the process or application manually intensive and cumbersome?
  • Do documents undergo multiple revisions, causing revision control problems?
  • Are the documents reviewed by multiple users or in multiple locations?
  • Are there high costs involved in the storing or archiving of documents?
  • Is document security a major concern?
  • In general, document imaging systems address issues where the impact of the system is fairly limited in scope and relatively little organizational change is required. Usually, this amounts to imaging systems that reduce, replace, or simply avoid specific operating costs. These costs typically include:

    • File cabinets
    • Expendable filing materials (ie: paper, folders, dividers, tabs)
    • Office space allocated to paper storage
    • Microform-related materials and\or equipment
    • Clerical expenses associated with filing and retrieving (or mistakes in)

    Often, when the paper-based process is being replaced, other expenses will also be eliminated. That savings alone can substantially defray the costs of an electronic imaging system. Other benefits are the assurance that documents will not be misplaced and the cost savings associated with not having to replace or do without such documents. Improvements in document and records management efficiency can free resources and dramatically reduce the time to execute office procedures. These improvements include:

    Image Mentor specializes in enhancing and adding to your Documentum ApplicationXtender document management system.
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